Big Reid
Guide Service is located on the banks of the Kenai River. The Kenai is world famous for producing the largest genetic strain
of King Salmon in the world. The Kenai River also holds the most world records of any river, in fact, Capt. Adam guided an
angler to the the world record 4# line class sockeye salmon. It is known as one of the best salmon fishing rivers, containing
Chinook (kings), Sockeye (reds), Coho (silvers), and Pink (humpies). Depending on the time of year two or all types of salmon
may be present in the Kenai River. Part of being a personalized guide service is helping you decide what time of summer
to come to the Kenai to best fit your salmon fishing needs. June or July are prime if you want to pursue the giant king salmon
of the Kenai, to help sustain our fisheries we encourage C&R of big kings. Late July and early August are best if you
want numerous sockeye salmon, and August and September are best if you don't need to catch a king salmon but want a lot of
action with sockeyes, silvers, pinks, rainbow trout, and dolly varden. Plus don't forget about the fantastic saltwater halibut
fishing the area has to offer. Sterling is centrally located to three different saltwater locations for great halibut fishing. The Anchorage area and Kenai Peninsula offer some of he best waterfowling opportunities in the world. Whether it is combining
early season ducks with a salmon trip, or a hardcore waterfowl adventure for late season freshwater and saltwater ducks, our
area of Alaska is a great place to start your adventure. It is obvious why the Kenai is the king of salmon rivers, there
is so much opportunity throughout the year on the river and in the saltwater. Drop us an e-mail or call for more information
about options for fishing the Kenai River and surround saltwater.

Guide Adam Reid with
a monster Kenai King, 55 1/2" x 34 1/2 " and 82 lbs!